COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
June 25, 2020
Dear Tapestry Families and Staff,
As we close out the school year, we have begun the planning process for re-opening in the fall. Many parents, community members, and staff have questions, concerns, ideas, and preferences regarding the parameters established for returning students to the classrooms in our schools.
Nearly every decision made regarding the COVID-19 pandemic response and associated requirements, restrictions, and regulations have been made and directed by our Governor, health officials, etc.
As these officials continue to organize for the development of planning for the re-entry of students to school buildings, your voices should be heard. Recently, 14 school districts in Erie County have joined to gather data, feedback, and perspective from our parents, staff, and students.
We need to hear from you on this very important matter. When taking this survey you will be able to read and offer valuable data, and contribute to the conversation by adding to the open-ended responses at the conclusion of the survey. All participation in this exchange is anonymous.
Information will be shared with our elected officials, state and regional committees, and other related associations so that they will have a more global understanding of the thoughts and ideas our community members have about returning to in-person schooling for the 2020-2021 school year.
Click here for a link to the survey.
In addition, Tapestry is organizing a stakeholder-rich reopening committee to review and give feedback to our future re-opening plans and are interested in both staff and family participation. If you are Tapestry parent and are interested in joining this committee, please reply to this email with your name, your child(ren)’s name and CURRENT grade level. If you are a Tapestry staff member and are interested in joining this committee, please connect with your building principal directly to express your interest.
We are crew.
Thank you,
Eric Klapper
Executive Director