Messages from Principal Pangborn

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Click here to access earlier communications.


student led conferences

Absence Note Link

Absences will be marked “excused” after a the digital absence form is submitted or written, signed note is sent in to the school. Absences can only be excused for a valid reason. Please contact the main office if you have a question.

Family Technology Support

email: [email protected]

Academic and “A” and “B” Hybrid Calendars are located under “Calendars and Events” at the top of this webpage!

Remember, there are small differences between calendars for the Elementary School, Middle School, and High School. If you have children in different schools be sure to check and make sure if a day off for one child means a day off for all children.

November Calendar Highlights

Dismissal Information

We use the dismissal software Pikmykid to facilitate students exiting the building. This software assigns each child an ID number which is placed on the green dismissal placard we ask you to place on your dashboard. When our dismissal teams sees your placard, they enter your child’s ID into the system using their cell phone or an iPad and your child’s teacher is instantly alerted that you are here!

Please, remember your placard! It makes dismissal go faster!

Community Meetings

K-4 Community Meetings will be virtual for the 2020-21 school year. Dates listed below are tentative and subject to change.

September 29th

October 20th

November 17th

December 15th

January 26th

February 23rd

March 16th

April 20th

May 18th

June 8th

Sibling Enrollment

The most frequently asked question regarding enrolling a sibling in Tapestry…

“Do I have to fill out an application for my child’s sibling (brother/sister) to attend Tapestry?”   YES!
Enrollment for siblings is not automatic and is based on availability. Click on the word “Enrollment” at the very top of this page for more information.